Heck yeah that's gross. All of those are from one dog.
The first day, I headed out into this for a quick ride on the trails across the creek.

Very pretty back there.

Pleased with myself for striking out.

Saturday's ride consisted of biking over to Shannon and Darwin's land, which was a quick 45 minute ride away.

We had a good time on their land this weekend, playing football and badminton, kayaking and canoeing, and cooking over the fire- potatoes, venison hotdogs, Boca burgers, freshly picked asparagus and corn on the cob.

On the way back, there was a lovely sky.

The third and final day up there, I decided to see what all this talk about Irma Hill was about. It's the third highest point in Wisconsin, and has got a long, slow hill leading up to it. It wasn't one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it wasn't easy on knobbies and one gear.

Other activities:
Dinner of pheasant stir fry.

Mexican Train until midnight. I took a page from my dad and quit before I could lose.

Gardening. (I weeded for a while, then skipped out for a ride :) )

Designing and constructing an outhouse.

The consuming of venison bacon and eggs.

Good stuff.