Monday, August 15, 2011

Steudel Show Set-Up

This past Friday there was a jazz crawl in Plymouth- incidentally, the night before our set-up time for the Steudel show. The relatives all gathered on Friday evening for a night of jazz and precipitation. It was pouring out! Things were still pretty lively, though. We made our way around to coffee shops, the art center, bars, restaurants and more bars with jazz ensembles tucked away in a corner.



Jazz featuring a flute, yes sir.


That night we made our way to Lakeland college, where the three previous generations of my family attended college. (My generation scattered to the four corners, alas.) We stayed on the cheap in some guest rooms in the dorms.

The next morning we went to set up at the art center, which was still recovering from the jazz crawl, while also trying to set up for a 50th wedding anniversary at 3:00. To say that it was hectic would be... accurate.


Tables, chairs and a platform had to be moved, a silent auction had to be carefully documented and removed, we had to check every piece in and then start hanging! All while people buzzed around, moving furniture and dropping paintings. Luckily, no canvases were skewered.

Aunt Pam arranging her work.


Rachel and Edie hanging Grandpa's painting.


Gradually before you know it, the hell hole becomes a gallery once more!


Ta-da! This is my section. It's funny that looking at it in this photo, it doesn't look like much work at all. Just... take my word for it :)


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