Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tour of Tosa

A couple of weekends ago Cale and I did the Tour of Tosa. For those not in the know, it's a true scavenger hunt with a time limit but no bonus for getting back early. Russell set it up so just about each team got a different set of instructions to follow, and then some general things to find, like a dog wearing a sweater. Our set of instructions sent us to almost all of the bridges in Wauwatosa, which is a lot. There, we had to find where Russell had posted a sign and then get a picture with a digital camera of the majority of the team by the sign.

Enough typin', more photos!

We were having fun and weren't in a huge hurry, so we stopped for lunch when we were scavengering 'two members of the team in a grocery cart'.

Other things we were after were a rubbing of a grave (earliest date won)...

...majority of the team in a human pyramid in a bus stop...

...and something not on the list at all, a picture of the team with a buck.

It was a great time, and I'm having trouble limiting the photos (all from Ronsta's Flickr), as you can tell. We didn't win, but none of us cared. Luckily, we weren't even in the top four teams! The top four (I think) competed in a figure 8 death race on bikes that had been found in dumpsters. It was dangerous, with more than a few crashes, and I hope everyone is current on their tetanus shots. I'm glad I wasn't a part of it, because watching it unfold had to be just as fun and a lot safer than actually competing in it!

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